Most people who want to achieve their health goals related to weight management tend to pick up “Diet” foods. Which foods are these and do they actually help one in achieving one’s health goals?
Consumer search suggests that Diet foods are the most misunderstood food category. Majority of consumers choose foods which were labelled as “diet chivda” or “diet cola” etc. on the Front of Pack. Many also consider baked or roasted foods as “diet” foods. In reality, these may not always be low calorie or low-fat foods. Some may contain higher amounts of salt or sugar to make their taste acceptable. The back of pack helps in comparing the nutrient content of “diet” foods. Diet foods which are low in fat content do not give a feeling of fullness and one may end up finishing the entire pack to feel satiated. Besides one tends to eat a larger portion totally guilt-free just because it is a “diet” food. This is totally counterproductive and takes us further away from our health goals.
Sweet-tasting products with no added sugar like biscuits/carbonated drinks are also considered as “diet” foods. The back of pack will reveal the non-nutritive sweetener added to the product and also that the product may not be suitable for children and may have a laxative effect.
Attention should be paid to the serving size of “diet” foods, in terms of say number of biscuits per serving or number of grams per serving. It is important to then repack the contents into single serving portions to prevent overeating in a single meal. Adding protein and fiber rich foods like nuts and fruits in the meal also helps in satiety and providing important nutrients which will help achieve the weight management goals better.
In this accompanying video, I have shared my experience with a friend who was struggling with her health goals despite choosing to consume “diet” foods regularly. Trust the next time you decide to choose “diet” foods, your choice will be an empowered one.